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Laughter Yoga

With Certified Laughter Yoga  Leader – Darren Finley

Laughter Yoga near Doncaster South Yorkshire
Laughter Yoga near Doncaster South Yorkshire

Are you ready to boost your health and happiness?Learn Laughter Yoga

Are you stressed out, depressed and having health problems? Do you want to bring more laughter and joy into your life? Laughter Yoga is the right choice for you. Laughter Yoga (LY) is not a comedy. It is an exercise program developed by Indian physician Dr Madan Kataria where anyone can laugh without relying on humour, jokes or comedies. It is practised in more than 110 countries.

It combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing techniques (Pranayama) which brings more oxygen to our body and brain making us feel more energetic and healthy. Ten to 15 minutes of LY exercises can reduce stress, make your immune system stronger and keep your mind positive during challenging times.

Laughter Yoga in Yorkshire

Case Studies

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Bloom Inc.

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque

Monarch Global

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(255) 352-6258

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